Cast Aluminium Gears

Watch the Video

I made a full tutorial on creating these gears. I recommend watching it, as it goes a little faster than reading this instructable, and goes into further detail.

Cutting Foam


Make sure while doing this, that you have all the necessary safety equipment at all times. This includes: face shield, fire proof gloves, long handled pliers/tongs and a fire extinguisher.

After I pulled my gears out of the mold, they looked very rough and uneven. Since these gears aren't going to be held or touched very much, I won't need to polish them as much as my Aluminium Handled Knife, but I still want them to look better than coming straight out of the molds. I first clamped the gears in the vise and cut off the bit of aluminium that filled the chimney. For the first gear, I used a normal hacksaw, but it took a very long time so for the second round, I used a Sawzall with a metal cutting blade. Then I flipped the gears in the vise and used an angle grinder to grind the faces down to a more silvery finish. After that, I used a drill to cut out the holes that had been filled in the casting process. Finally, I used an assortment of metal files to fine tune the teeth and sprockets of the gear. In the end, I could have spent a lot more time on them but I didn't have a use for them, so for now, they will stay rough.
When I cast the gears, the larger one didn't fully take shape and ended up not having several teeth. To solve this problem, I used IFixit, a kind of putty-like epoxy, and sculpted the teeth by hand. It actually turned out very well and worked better than I had hoped.