Cardboard Gramaphone Passive Speaker
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Cardboard Gramaphone Passive Speaker

I’ve always loved the aesthetic of old gramophones and finally sat down and made one. It will boost the volume of your music only a little bit, but it sure looks cool!
Box cutters
Glue gun and glue
Cutting mat
Print out of all SVG pattern pages
(Fuzzy assistant not necessary, but always nice)
Cut Out All Cardboard Pieces

Cut out all of the pieces of the SVG pattern. Add 2-3 inches to the 4 stem bits of the bell(the ones with the square ends). Add more if you want it to be taller than mine ended up being.
Lay out all the pieces of the template and cut out of cardboard. Make sure that all the pieces of both the octagonal bowl and bell are drawn on the grain of the cardboard so that they bend the way you want. The corrugated stripes are 90 degrees from the direction you want the pieces to bend. (See pictures)
Pre-bend and Compress Cardboard Pieces

Also pre-bend the curved pieces. You don’t want to have to do this while you’re taping them together. It won’t end well.
Make Bowl and Octagonal Base

Once taped glue the inside of the bowl with a glue gun to strengthen it.
The tape the bottom and sides of the base together. Glue all inside seems. Do not attach the top yet. (my camera eat these pics sorry)
Score, Fold, and Glue Phone Platform to Top

Put Together the Bell

Then tape the bottom piece to the other side. Do this for the side pieces as well to end up with 5 pieces taped together. Once that’s done brace open the sides and glue along all the inside seams. Now tape the top center piece to the 2 upper side pieces and then press open and glue.
Now tape the 3 piece group and5 piece group and tape together along seems. This is the hardest part and it would be helpful to have an extra set of hands (or be an octopus)
Glue the last 2 seems in the bell and far down as your glue gun will let you and you’re done! Just square off the bottom so everything is even.
Putting It All Together

And now enjoy your new cardboard gramophone!
The pattern is sized to fit an iPhone 6 Plus. The phone in the picture is and old iPhone 3.