Car Diorama in Five Steps

by Because why not in Workshop > Cars

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Car Diorama in Five Steps


Most people have a dream car which they would get the moment they could. This diorama is a cool way to display your dream car even if you don't specifically own your dream car, you can also use any car. In this Instructable, I will show you how to make a cool diorama for your model car.


  • Model car kit of your choice (I used a 1967 Ford GT Fastback)
  • Super Glue or Modeling glue (for the plastic car pieces)
  • Hobby knife
  • Three 3x7.75 inch Basswood or Cardboard sheets
  • Wood glue
  • Model paint or acrylic paint
  • Plastic bendy staw
  • LED light (White or yellow)
  • Soldering iron and wire
  • A battery strong enough to decently power the LED

Step 1: Assembling the Car


Assemble as you would a normal model car, following the instructions as you go. Once you are done, go ahead and paint your car to your liking. Remember this is your diorama so feel free to personalize it.

Step 2: the Base

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Cut one of your Basswood sheets in half and glue them together like a sandwich, make sure they are either clamped down or have some weight on them. Glue the remaining two sheets side by side to make a 7.5x6 inch sheet. To make the sidewalk glue the Basswood sandwich onto one of the 7.5-inch sides.

Step 3: Painting

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It's time to paint! Paint the base a cement-colored grey. I chose mine to just be plain but if you would like you can draw graffiti or a manhole cover onto the street base. Again this is your diorama, I'm just giving you ideas.

Step 4: the Lamppost

To make the lamppost, take a straw and bend it a few inches from the top. For the light fixture, take your LED and some extra wires that are long enough to stick out of the bottom, solder the LED and the wires at the correct points, and thread the LED with the wires through the straw. Make sure there is at least one inch of wire coming out of the bottom of the straw. Cut a notch in the straw on the opposite side that the straw bends towards. To finish, paint the whole straw grey or any color you would like. If you want to spice it up you could add an electrical box to the side of the lamppost or draw some graffiti on it, these are just some ideas.

Step 5: Finishing


The final step is to glue the lamppost to anywhere you want on the sidewalk, I glued mine to the middle of the sidewalk. Once the glue has dried put the car on the base. Congratulations, you have made yourself a cool diorama that you can show to people and family members.