CalClock: Simply See Your Schedule
by samvanhook in Circuits > Art
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CalClock: Simply See Your Schedule

The worst loss of concentration is getting interrupted just to learn that there is no need for an interruption. I find this often happens in relation to my schedule. I’ll be working on a problem, and have the inkling thought, ‘Is there something else I should be doing?’. This prompts me to check calendar my phone. Once my phone is open, I’m pulled to check email and social media. I’ve lost the clear mental state I had moments ago.
I built the calClock to help solve that problem. When I get the urge to check my schedule, I can simply glance up to the wall to see the next 12 hours of my Google Calendar displayed on the wall. The lit interface is simple, encouraging me to return to my work instead of diving deeper into the information. When I am curious about the calendar, it’s a glance away. When my mind is elsewhere, it’s a non-invasive part of my peripheral vision.
If you'd like to learn how to make this, follow along!
Materials you'll need:
- 10"x10"x1" sheet of no void birch plywood1/4"
- acrylic sheet (white or clear)
- Raspberry Pi Zero w
- Neopixel roll:
- Clock Mechanism
- Wires for soldering and such
- USB cable for power
Use a CNC to Cut Your Clock Body

First you'll need to use a CNC router to cut out the body of clock.
You can use this model:
Most CNC Routers should work as it is just plywood
Sand and Round Edges,

Next step is to finish the body. This is done by using a sander to round the edges.
The plywood here gives the edges an awesome looking circular border.
Also, drill a hole into the center of the body in order to mount the mechanism in the back.
Cut and Mount the Acrylic Windows,

I used a laser cutter using the shapes taken directly from the 3D CAD model. With a bit of sanding they fit snugly without any adhesive (you can find a few of my files here
Now, you can make and mount the cross pieces denoting 12, 3, 6, 9 o'clock. I used a thin piece of mahogany I had laying around, and affixed it with super glue.

Now, its time to create a backing plate populated by NeoPixels. I ended up soldering 24 neopixels together by hand. A bit tedious, but not bad once you get the hang of it.
Next, its time to solder in the Rasperry Pi and close up the back.
If you have extra acrylic you can cut a nice backing for the piece.
You can find my software programs (Python) here:
You will have to do a bit of messing with the Google Calendar python API:
Finally, set your RPI to run the program on Boot and you are all set!