Bunny Bus Pass Holder (with Light)
by ChrysN in Circuits > Wearables
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Bunny Bus Pass Holder (with Light)

The bunny bus pass holder will keep you bus pass safe and accessible. You can clip it to your bag/backpack or slip it into your purse. For those early morning commutes (or late night) it also has a Led to illuminate your bus pass. To turn on the light simply pinch the bunny's tail.
Materials and Tools

- Felt -several different colours
- Small piece of clear vinyl
- Key ring
- Nylon strap or something along those lines (I used a piece of paracord)
- Small piece of thin foam
- Led and button battery
- Sew-on snaps
- Tape, and glue
- Scissors
- Needles and thread
- Sewing machine
- Pliers
- Sandpaper (if your Led is not frosted)

- Use your bus pass to determine the size of the vinyl piece and add about 0.5cm on each side of the bus pass.
- Use the vinyl to cut the felt, again adding about 0.5cm to the sides and bottom. (The top edge should be flush with the vinyl edge).
- Fold over the felt edges on the sides and bottom and use tape to hold it in place (rather than trying to pin it).
- Double check that your bus pass fits before you sew.
- Sew the sides and edges with a sewing machine, leaving the top end open.
- Remove the tape.
Bunny Face

- You will need four pieces of felt cut to the same shape for the bunny.
- For the features of the face cut two oval shapes in pink for the ears and two small circles in black for the eyes. (I also added two smaller white circles to the eye).
- Align the eyes and ears onto the one of the four bunny pieces and sew them on.
- With black embroidery thread sew a nose and mouth.
- With a white thread I used a running stitch to form a crease between the ears.
Sew Holder to Bunny and Add Snaps

- Centre the holder from step two onto one of the other bunny pieces, and sew it on.
- Place the socket halves of the sew-on snaps onto the bottom of the piece with the holder, and the ball halves to another bunny piece making sure that they line up.
- Sew the snaps in place.
Sew Middle Two Pieces Together

- Sew the nylon loop for the key ring onto the top of the bunny piece with the holder.
- Snap the two bunny pieces together from step four and sew along the top edge of the ears and along the top edge of the holder creating a hinge. See images below.
- Now sew the bunny face piece on the front.
Preparing Light

- If your Led is not already frosted you can do this by scratching it up with sandpaper (this creates a more diffuse light).
- Cut a circle of foam the size of your button battery and cut a hole in the middle of the foam.
- Glue the foam onto one side of the battery (I glued mine to the positive pole.) Try not to get glue on the battery surface where the hole is -this is the contact point for the Led.
- Cut the tail in a mushroom shape (see image below), make sure that the circular part is larger than the battery.
Securing Led

The Led will sit at the bottom of the holder between the vinyl cover and the backing.
- Cut a small hole in the backing of the holder (pink felt) and through the bunny piece (cream colour felt).
- Stick the Led through the hole so that it is protruding from the bottom of the holder (under the vinyl).
- With pliers bend the prongs of the Led upward.
- Wrap thread around the prongs and stitch into the felt to secure the Led in place.
Bunny Tail

- On the remaining bunny piece cut a hole for the tail that lines up with the one made in step seven for the led.
- Slip the flaps of the two tail pieces through the hole.
- Fold the flaps out and sew onto the bunny piece.
- Place the bunny piece with the tail on the back of the piece with the holder lining up the edges and slip the Led prongs through the hole into the tail.
- Sew the two bunny pieces together along the outer edge.
On/Off Tail Switch

The bunny tail houses the battery and acts as the on /off switch. One prong of the Led is taped to the battery(negative) the other prong(positive) rests on the foam. When you pinch the tail the positive prong makes contact with the battery turning the Led on (I got the idea from here , though her's is far more elegant). The light only stays on as long as the tail is pinched.
- Place the battery between the prongs of the Led.
- Tape the negative prong to the negative pole of the battery.
- Make sure the positive prong lies across the hole in the foam. Also make sure the prong isn't touching the edge of the battery.
- Sew the two tail pieces together closing it up.