Build a Pennyboard

22" x 6"

The type of wood I use is compressed fibre - it gives just the right amount of flex for pumping.
The front portion is normally fish-shaped to make it more aerodynamic. It also prevents the front of the board from hitting the wheels when turning.
For the back portion of my board, I like it narrower because it's easier to hold and it has a kicktail effect - perfect for tricks!
Sawing the Boards Out

I use an electric saw to get sharp and curved edges. Then, I sandpaper the wood to smoothen it out.
Gluing Boards Together

I use latex glue (for flexibility) and stick two pieces of wood, with same dimensions, together (for added strength and a bit of height).
Drying the Boards That Are Stuck Together

Once boards are glued together, leave them under the sun for a few hours to dry; 5 hours is ideal.
Transferring Designs and Painting Boards

Draw designs on A4 paper and use it as the template to transfer it onto the board. For this, use masking tape and carbon paper.
Acrylic spray paint is the best - it's good for flexibility. I used a rough silver for the base and built up from there with the colours for my artwork. With each colour, spray 2 to 3 layers.
Oil painting makes it really easy for blending colours but it takes a really long time to dry - almost 2 whole weeks!
Fixing the Wheels

Together with either Never Summer Industries or Orangatang wheels (for better stability), screw on the trucks with rubber in between to reduce fiction between the board and the metal trucks.
My Board in Action!