
by killerjackalope in Craft > Jewelry

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So aye, beer and earrings. There's a connection, actually I think it was whiskey that night, I also tried to steal a christmas tree for some reason... But aye, I woke up with the piercing the beering's in about a year ago... 

So this makes perfect sense. 


I will get a woman to wear these! Without getting slapped or some speech about "trashy this" and "hillbilly that" 

*Again with the re-evaluate your life speech... This is the Beer Bangle all over again... 

There's more of this malarkey over on my site -

Any way... 

Tools and Materials

 - Beer caps
 - Spare earring (Whoever left this here, my bad...) 

 - Pliers
 - Knife

If your project hasn't got a knife then it needs a hammer. If it has neither you must be knitting. 

Cut the Cap

Cut a slit in the rim of the cap where you want the top of the earring to be. 

I just cut it with a knife, tin snips would probably be safer - if you're in to that sort of thing. 

Mutilate Earring

So this dangly earring was lying about. 

I undid the hoops that stop it all coming to bits by slipping the tip of a knife in to the hoop and turning it. 

I took of them spangly lookin' beads and bent the hanging bit in to a shape it'd sit in behind the cap in. 

Put It in the Slit

Slide the bottom hangy bit in to the slit.

Push it down and get it in the right position. 

Close the Slit

With pliers, squash the ridges either side of the slit - this'll close it around the wire tightly, making the earring a thing. 

I suppose you could glue it if your slit was too wide but this is really solid. 

Go Drinkin'

Go show off your new ear ornament, go show'em how you drink round here.