Beer Cap Shooter

I had a English project at my school for the last 10 weeks. We needed to make something automatic or with a motor. So I thought to make a beer bottle opener. And if you would like to make it too, here are all the steps.
I would prefer (strong) wood, but you can use metal
A beer bottle of course
Washer m20
Some screws or nails
And tools to make it
Glue would be smart too
A bolt that has a diameter of 12
3 nuts that can be on the bolt
Sketch of the Idea

This is a quick sketch of the idea, the thing at the front it the beer holder. I haven't drawed it in the picture
Making/cutting Out the Shooter

This is the stuff that we are needing for the block underneath.
And for a reason the drawing with the circle on top has a lenght of 397. That needs to be 400.
I would prefer a laser cutter, but you could use a saw too.
The part with the circle in the middle, needs to get cut 3 times.
And the part on the right, needs to be cut twice.
Glueing the Parts Together

These are the part you get and need fot the beer car shooter.
you can glue them together or use nails or screws
Making the Opener

Use a nail or a screw to have the washer in place.
Once you did that, use the bolt that you have and place it how it looks like in the 3rd picture
If you have done that, you beer opener is complete.