Beer Cans Christmas Ornaments

Hello friends of instructables, today I am going to teach you how to make your own Christmas decorations at low cost and with an extraordinary finish.

Inspirational images.
embossing ball tool
beer cans
soft base for embossing (I used Foam) You can use some fluffy fabric.

Get a six pack of beer at least to use up the aluminum from the cans, you can drink them one by one while you work (just kidding).
If you don't like beer you can get them empty at your local store.

To disassemble the beer cans, draw a line with a marker where we will cut later, this line will serve as a guide for the first cut we will make.
Remove excess aluminum parts (top and bottom) and recycle them.

Then make a cut with the scissors in the cylindrical part perpendicular to the horizontal cuts
Use strong scissors that can cut the aluminum, normally any scissors will cut the aluminum because it is so thin.
Be careful when making the cuts so as not to hurt your fingers.
After that cut and remove the top

To flatten the cans, use a cardboard cylinder or a tube of any kind, carefully and slowly begin to rub the aluminum against the surface of the tube to remove its curved shape.

Now go to Google and search for the images of your preference to capture them in your ornaments.
In my case I selected a wide variety, although I did not use them all, I leave the samples for you to check.
After making a selection and a composition with the approximate measurements of the width of a can, print the images on adhesive paper, then stick them on the aluminum material of the cans.

Now glue the first beer foil to the soft embossing material.
This material will be convenient for applying pressure with the tool without tearing the foil.
Keep in mind that the side with the beer labels is facing up and that's where we'll stick our design, so that the ornaments are on the side with the shiny, silvery texture of the foil.

Cut the design well to place it on the aluminum in a better way

Now we will use the ball tipped embossing tool to emboss the design. Keep in mind that the black lines or edges are the positive and will be embossed later on the other side of the aluminum. Keeping that in mind, emboss only the negative areas.

Please review the references to get an idea of the embossing process.

When you finish embossing the entire design, remove the tape and turn it over.
Now emboss what represents the black lines, which correspond to the edges and black parts of the design

Cut the piece along the edges and join the pieces (if applicable) with special glue for aluminum.
Only applies when it is a piece that does not fit completely in the width of the can, as in this case the mistletoe and its ribbons

glue and complete the piece.

Now make another design.
In this case this funny Santa has more colors, so there is positive and negative as well as internal nuances, for that we will use the same principle of the previous piece, the whiter we will emboss more on the label side and the darker we will emboss on the opposite side.

Here you can see how I manage a different level of embossing depending on the color.
To avoid problems with embossing levels, I recommend printing only two-color images, since negative and positive are easier to handle.

In this case then we will give volume to Santa's face
As you can see, it's already starting to take shape.

Then it is time to emboss the front side, marking the dark parts inwards.

You can make as many ornaments as you want and the designs you want, but keep in mind the level of difficulty. Making the Grinch will not be the same as making a complex illustration with more than three colors or very small details.

Optimize the use of the material and make the most of it, like here where I glued two pieces on a single sheet

Mark the edges, and remember to stick the sticker on the printed side of the beer container.
not like me who made this mistake

As I was saying, you can do as many as you want, and by practicing each time you will see better results.

almost finished, place a hole at the top of the designs.

and with the wire I made some small rings that will be used to hang the ornaments on our tree.
You can also use silver thread or whatever works for you, it's your choice.

Now it's time to hang them on our tree.
Make as many as you like to put on your tree, they are an economical and satisfactory solution.

Here are your finished ornaments, I hope you enjoyed this project.