Basics to Fortnite

So i"m going to teach you how to play Fortnite. This tutorial is for beginers or someone who is already playing and would like to learn some more tips.

For this all you need is a gaming console that you can download Fortnite. Warning: Fortnite takes a while to load
What the Heck Is Fortnite

This step is for those who dont really know what fortnite is. If you already know go down there below to step 2.
Well let's get started shall we so fortnite is a video game that has many other games in it but if you would like to battle and win a victory i would stick to battle royale or zero build. Fortnite is basically a game where you fight and eliminate other players either in a squad or by yourself. I you or your team wins you win a victory crown that you can show off to your friends.
Basic How to Play

So basicilly all you have to do is to get in and find the game you want to play and press play. After you will load into the game where you will join in a before game where you can practice or dance ( purchase in item shop). After you will be put in the battle bus that flies over fortnite island. you jump off the place you want to land ( tip stay away from enemy players) and once you are on the ground find chests and open them. you will find medical supplies( look at step 5 ) and weapons weapons change every season but they are useful when you have them so use them well and ammo( certain weapons get certain ammo) then you want to find enemy players and eliminate them by shooting.
Skins and Emotes

Epic games ( owners of Fortnite ) adds skins every season or every once in a while. Emotes are like dances some go with skins others are just added. These can be purchased in the item shop with v bucks (see step 4) . It usually refreshes so if you see one you want get as soon as you can afford it. REMINDER: Sometimes you can return it sometimes not make sure you know what you are doing.

V-bucks can be purchased at your local video game store as a gift card or on fortnite on the corner of your screen.
Medical Equipment

medical helps you heal from being eliminated after you are knocked out you can not use health. These sometimes change but some stay the same such as the med kit and chug jugs.

Building is when you or your teammate use the wood supply or metal supply to build a base to hide. This can be found in the game battle royale or a practice game.

weapons are the most common things to find in Fortnite. why? well Fortnite is fighting with weapons. Weapons are divided into 5 rarity groups ( common,uncommon,rare,mythic, legendary) you can find them in chests, eliminating other players, opening holo chests, or just lying on the ground. When you start you get a pickaxe which is set and can not be traded for another weapon unless you change it in the locker.