Balancing Plane

Hi friends today am gonna show you how to make a balancing plane using Cardboard and few other materials which can get from our home easily.
The balancing toy as its name implies, balances. It utilizes the concepts of stability and low center of gravity. By having two heavy weights on the two sides, the toy will basically be pretty stable. And they return to their state of initial rest after disruption or being disturbed.
Materials Needed

To construct this we need simple materials which are available in home.
1, Cardboard
2, Cutter or knife
3, Waste Pen
4, Nail
5, 3mm metal wire 12 cm
6, Glue stick
Design and Make Your Plane

1, Draw a model of plane body, wing and tail wing separately in cardboard.
2, Cut each part separately with the help of knife or cutter.
3, make slots for main wing and tail wing in the body of plane - refer image 3 and 4
4, once the parts are cut down assemble the parts with the slots allotted refer image 5.
Make a Tower

1, To make a tower refer image 1 and draw the same.
2, Cut both parts and make sure to cut the slots to attach each part together as shown in image 2.
3, Now attach both the parts like image 3, once everything is attached it should look like image 4.
4, secure the attached parts using hot glue so that it looks strong and doesn't get loose.
Prepare to Attach the Plane to Iron Wire

1, Bent the Iron wire in form of S shape refer image 2.
2, Take the end part of plastic from the waste pen and put a hole at center using a nail or needle. refer image 4 and 5.
3, Now insert the Iron wire to the hole and pull it through the center of the wire. refer image 6.
4, Attach the Plane wing to one end of wire and attach the weight at other end of wire using Glue.
5, Now try to balance the plane and metal weight by adjusting the plastic point at center by moving towards right or left.
6, Once the plane and weight get balanced secure the center point plastic with iron wire using hot glue.refer image 6 and 7.
Balancing the Plane in Tower.

1, Take another waste pen and attach the small needle at the tip of pen using hot glue. refer image 1
2, now attach the pen to the top of the cardboard tower using hot glue, make sure only the nail is visible at top of tower. refer image 2 and 3
Time for Fly Time

Our balancing plane is ready to take off.
Try this our in your home for your child and definitely they would love it.