Baby Doll Cat Toy

Make this super simple baby doll cat toy in less than ten minutes!

About 30 feet of yarn, 4-inch cardboard square, scissors
Cut Five 8-inch Pieces of Yarn
Cut five 8-inch pieces of yarn off the 30-foot piece.
Begin Wrapping Yarn

Begin wrapping the remaining yarn around the cardboard card.
Continue Wrapping

Continue wrapping all the yarn around the card, staying toward the center of the card, and overlapping each wrap.
Insert Small Piece Under Wrapped Layers

Take one 8-inch section of yarn and feed it under all wrapped yarn on one side of the card.
Tie Piece Around Layers

Slide the piece of yarn to the top of the card and tie a tight knot around all the layers of wrapped yarn.
Cut Wrapped Layers

Turn the card over and insert scissors under all wrapped layers. Cut through all layers of yarn, releasing the card.
Tie Up Tassel

Lay the tied layers down on top of another 8-inch piece of yarn, and tie the yarn around the entire tassel.
Separate Arms

Separate two small sections of yarn on the sides for arms.
Tie Up Arm Sections

Using two more 8-inch pieces of yarn, tie up the arm sections, about halfway down the length of the section, knotting the pieces tightly.
Trim Ties

Trim the ties from the head, neck, and arms.
Tie Waist

Using the last 8-inch section of yarn, tie around the baby doll waist like a belt.
Trim and Finish

Trim the belt tie, as well as the excess length from the arms. All done!

For extra fun, insert a cat treat or spray with cat nip spray!