Wait til' you taste this! A perfectly cooked over-medium egg atop a toasty baked potato is scrumptious!
Bacon/sausage/ham (even cheese & onions) are optional, BUT FRANKLY, You don't need anything else!
However, to make it more "brunchy" adding "Eggs'tras" like: your favorite breakfast meat(s)- (if you're not vegan/vegetarian), (sautéed) onions, cheese & garnishing with chopped scallions, takes them Over The Top!

2 Baking Potatoes (*For two people / 1 Potato Per Person)
2 Eggs
1/2 -to- 1 tsp Paprika -Optional
1/2 -to- 1 tsp each- Salt & Pepper / to taste
1/2 -to- 1 tsp butter or oil -for frying

•Bake the potatoes till done -*the microwave is fine for this*-
*Tip: Wrapping them first is not necessary *however, AFTER
ensures a soft, fluffy (perfectly cooked) center*
> Oven: 400° about an hour;
> Microwave: the "Baked Potato" setting / for 2- about 12-14 minutes, depending on
size & microwave's power;
*Option: Par cook in the Microwave for about 8-10 minutes, then finish in the toaster oven to crisp the skin (about another 10-15 minutes,-Which is what I did)
•When done, wrap them in aluminum foil or parchment paper to stay hot & the carry-over heat/cooking will make sure they're soft

•WHILE your potatoes are baking *or reheating (-you'll start making potatoes ahead for this recipe;)
•Set a fry or sauté pan on Medium high heat
•Dab a pat of butter or drizzle of oil into a sauté / frying pan
•Crack open your Eggs right into the pan *Or in a separate dish first, then from the dish to the pan, if you desire
*don't break the yolk*
•Season with Salt & Pepper to taste (& optional Paprika)
•Cook for about a minute, then Turn heat to medium
•Sunny Side Up: about 1 to 2 minutes more or per preference
•Over-Medium (-I recommend): about 3 minutes on one side, carefully flip &
cook about 1 min. on the other side

*Open Each Potato ~make a little cut/incision in the center of the potato &
•Push both ends inward, exposing the white, fluffy flesh
•Top with your Egg(s)!
*Optional: Bacon, Ham or Sausage
*Other Options:
•1 Small onion, sliced, chopped;
•Shredded cheese;
•Diced scallion(s) for garnish/topping
*Sauté diced onions, then meats before your egg(s)
*Dice ham; Crumble bacon (or use bacon bits); Crumble sausage
*Layer on potato as desired;
*Add cheese(s); Garnish with Scallions