BRB Clock

We're all seen those be right back or back in 5 minutes signs in a variety of places, they let people know that you'll be right back (BRB). They're a convenient way to let people know when the'll be back. But what happens if you set the time to return on this sign and are running a little late? Nothing upsets people more than having to wait for you when you were supposed to be back at a specific time. Now you can save yourself from frustrated, waiting patrons by combining a will return sign with a simple analog clock. Setting the 'return' time to 5 minutes ahead of the current time people will always think you're just 5 minutes away, no matter when they look at the sign.
- 'will return' sign
- small analog clock
- a stand of some kind that can hold the sign assembly when complete (I used a sheet metal book end)
- glue
- Pic #3 - Disassemble the analog clock so all that's left is the mechanism casing and the spindle that the arms rotate on, and the minute and hour hands.
- Pic #4 - Tiers of the clock spindle; seconds, minutes, hours in descending order.
- Pic #5 - Remove the rivet spindle in the sign clock and remove the arms and set aside
- Pic #6 - The sign opening may need to be reamed to accommodate the analog clock spindle
- Pic #7 - Glue the analog hour and minute hands to the corresponding hour and minute hands of the sign clock, aligning the spindle of each
- Pic #8 - Glue analog clock to sign, attach the minute and hour hands and then glue the analog clock to your stand