Automatic Beer Pourer

by asterchys in Circuits > Raspberry Pi

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Automatic Beer Pourer

uitgesneden foto.png

This instructable page will help you to make an automatic beer pourer.



For this project I needed some tools. The power tools I needed where a soldering iron, a welding post, a drill, metal saw and an engrave pen. The other tools I needed where a screwdriver, a rivet pliers and a knife. Components

LCD displayRaspberry PiLDR(Light Dependent Resistor)
Load sensorLoad sensor amplifierArduino UnoBreadboardJumper wires(Male and Female)Buttons(2)T-cobblerLevel shifterNema17(2)DRV8825(2)PotentiometerResistors100uf capacitor(2)12 volt power adapter




For this project I needed some tools. The power tools I needed where a soldering iron, a welding post, a drill, metal saw and an engrave pen. The other tools I needed where a screwdriver, a rivet pliers and a knife.


  • LCD display
  • Raspberry Pi
  • LDR(Light Dependent Resistor)
  • Load sensor
  • Load sensor amplifier
  • Arduino Uno
  • Breadboard
  • Jumper wires(Male and Female)
  • Buttons(2)
  • T-cobbler
  • Level shifter
  • Nema17(2)
  • DRV8825(2)
  • Potentiometer
  • Resistors
  • 100uf capacitor(2)
  • 12 volt power adapter

Building the Case


I made a case out of metal so al the hardware can fit in easily.


First if al I made a sketch, out of this sketch I created a prototype out of cardboard.


Included you find the dimensions of the metal I used. I bought plates and bent them.


After the bending I needed to weld everything together.

Then for the last part I drilled holes for the buttons and cut out another hole for the LCD.

For the placement of tubes, you need to drill several holes in a wood board so you can determine the angle.


Connecting the Electronics

This part is not that hard, just follow the attached file.


Raspberry Pi

The image

Fist of all you need an operation software. We use Raspion OS.

Folow the steps:

  1. Download Win32 Disk Imager(free software)
  2. Insert the micro-SD into the computer
  3. Run Win32 Disk Imager
  4. Select the iso you just downloaded
  5. Select 'Write'

Connect the Pi to your pc.


In the following link you can find the code needed to run this project.


Everything is explained in the code itself.

Unfortunately, this project does not work optimally, have fun improving it!