Artist's Popsicle Stick Puzzle

Popsicle stick puzzles need an update!
We can paint ANYTHING on a stack of popsicles!
The supplies are easy to find and very inexpensive
I've also included PDF patterns for the designs I painted
It would make an amazing gift to put several hand painted popsicle stick puzzles in an upcycled cigar box.
*popsicle sticks
*green or blue painters tape
*any brand acrylic paints
*paint brushes
Gather & Measure & Mark

Gather 12 nice popsicle sticks. Try to find ones that are flat, smooth and have a uniform color.
Mark 1/4 inch from the ends on 2 sticks on BOTH sides.
Place one marked stick at the top of the stack and one at the bottom.
These marks will help you place the tape.
Tape Together

Place painters tape along the pencil marks on each edge of the sticks.
Rub the tape down to hold the sticks together. This will also create a sharp edge on your painting.
Flip your popsicle stick "canvas" over and tape the sides on the back the same as the front. You are creating a popsicle stick sandwich with the tape.
Clean up tape ends with scissors.
You'll now have a secure popsicle stick puzzle canvas ready for drawing and painting.

Get creative!
You can transfer one of the PDF line drawings or sketch on any idea you can think up! Go crazy with this step!
I'm thinking Pumpkins and ghosts for a Halloween puzzle. Or maybe characters from your favorite show? Or random colors and patterns would create a challenging puzzle! How about every kind of dog that lives in your neighborhood?!
Paint the Back & Crack Apart

Don't forget to paint the back too! You can choose a solid color that compliments your puzzle design. Or for a more challenging puzzle paint another design on the back.
After the paint has dried you can gently bend your puzzle along the lines and crack the paint apart....this is VERY satisfying. Pull off the tape and share the unique puzzle you created!
Start a collection of puzzles or send a 2 sided puzzle in the mail to someone you miss!