Arduino People Counter Machine DIY
by ROBO HUB in Circuits > Arduino
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Arduino People Counter Machine DIY

Hey guys in this instructables i will show you how i made this visitor counter machine using Arduino that can be used in many ways.
In this project i will be using this project to count the number of people entering and leaving the building which also can be used to count the number of vehicles entering and exiting the specific doorway
If you are building this project i have given the detailed instruction with detailed circuit explanations and Arduino programs.
If you are a hobbyist who likes to build things or a student who want to build useful projects then i would recommend you to give a try building this project.
In short let me explain you the working of this project.
To detect the object i will be using IR sensor, here one LED emits the infrared light and the other receives the infrared light.
So when any object is placed or passes by the code in the arduino is written to count this changes as entry and now the arduino temporarily stores this value and when the same happens to other sensor the exit is counted.
If you have basic knowledge of arduino program you can change the messages that is displayed on LCD panel and also the entry limits.

Here is the list of materials that we will need to build this project
Arduino Uno kit for this project
IR sensor modules x 2
LCD module
Small breadboard
Arduino USB cable
Jumper wires
Sheet of cardboard
Popsicle sticks
Hot glue
Arduino IDE
Circuit and Codes

D2 and D3 pin of Uno hold the signal pins of the IR sensor, Gnd and Vcc pins from the IR module is connected to the Gnd and 5v pin of the Uno.
The LCD module has I2c so we have reduced a large number of pins to only 4 Scl, Sda, Vcc and Gnd.
Sda to A4, Scl to A5 is connected with these default connections the LCD module works well without any issues.
After these connections are complete, Open Arduino IDE on your computer and paste the below code.
Here the catch is if you have never used LCD in your Arduino projects you might need to install the LCD library.
Select the proper type of port and board type and click on the upload button, wait for some time and now the board is ready and we can do some testing here.
Testing the Circuit

Connect the jumper wires to I2c module, IR sensor module can be adjusted later as per the requirement.
You may think by default the Uno board has only one 5v pin, But we have 3 module that needs this pin.
Peel of the cable from these 3 module and converge to only one jumper wire and connect this to Uno board, this not only shrinks the wire used but also make the project look neat.
Now once these connections are completed you can test the circuit by powering on the project by USB cable.
Place the hand infront of the IR sensor and if everything is correct the LCD panel should show some counts.
This setup can be now implemented on an entry gate of any malls or some gatherings where we need to track the number of people.
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Building the Passage

I will use simple materials to make the doorway for this project, The popsicle sticks serve best role here.
Make U shaped door and using hot glue paste this on the piece of cardboard, i had a square kind of long thing which served

To my project idea i will be using entry and exit message boards, This will be added to the top of the door.
You can also add the LCD panel on the sideways anyways it depends on the setup you will be following, i chose to make this as a roadway in which the person can walk into and out of the door.
To use this project all you have to do is connect the arduino uno board to the usb power supply.
Wait for the LCD panel to show message, Now you can place any object in front of the sensor and the sensor led blinks and now the count of entry/exit will be shown in the LCD panel.
Customize the message on LCD screen as per your requirements and have fun with this project.
Not only to count humans you can also use this project to count the number of objects
Working Video

Don't miss to check the working video of this project, This works very well on any type of objects that passes by.
If you have any questions you can ask me in the comments and i will answer all of it shortly, Thanks and happy making.