Air Pollution Monitoring System

by clementlie03 in Circuits > Microcontrollers

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Air Pollution Monitoring System

air quality pic.jpg

Created by:

Clement (2501961123)

Richie Cheniago (2540118391)

Nathaniel Melvin Setiawan (2540120300)

Due to the recent air pollution issues in Jakarta, Indonesia. We decided to make a Carbon Dioxide (CO2) monitoring system and we encourage you to make your very own air pollution monitoring system! A very simple, easy to make and compact device for you to monitor air pollution. It is also very cheap and fun to make!


  • MQ135 sensor module
  • WEMOS D1 Mini ESP 8266
  • Adaptor Micro USB 5V 1.5A
  • Breadboard
  • LED
  • Resistor 220 Ohm
  • PCB
  • Visual Studio Code (Software)

Prepare the Components

R and LED.jpg

As written above, prepare those components. You can get them on your local electronic components store or online!

Set Component Up in Breadboard


Set components in the breadboard following the above picture to make sure it is working before we assemble it in the PCB. You can follow the schematic.

Code ESP

code esp instruct.jpg

After assembling the circuit in breadboard. Code and upload it to Visual Studio Code.

The ESP code can be seen here:

Set Up Firebase

firebase setup.png

The firebase is set up like the picture above. Google Firebase (Realtime Database) is used in this project.

Code Firebase


After coding the ESP. Next, we will code the firebase which will help to upload our data to Google Firebase

The Firebase code can be seen here:

Code Application

app instruct.png
Screenshot 2023-12-25 155654.png

In the application, we use flutter as the framework and dart as the programming language. It is also more convenient to connect Flutter with our database that is Google Firebase. The picture above shows the design of our application. However, create your design as creative as possible. Feel free!

The application code can be seen here:

PCB Etching


After designing the PCB, we will proceed on the etching process. Be very careful when using those chemicals!

Drill and Soldering

After etching, drill the PCB and solder the components in the PCB. You are a few steps away from finishing!

PCB Testing


Now, let's test if it works!

Design & Print Casing


Lastly, to top it all off. 3D PRINTING!!!

Let's design our casing with Fusion 360 or any other software. The design we used is shown in the picture above. But feel free to design on your own. Be creative!

File is attached!


Final Set Up

pcb casing.jpg
pcb in casing.jpg

Set up the PCB inside your casing and you are done!

Some considerations for future designs:

  • Designs can be made even more compact by making the microcontroller and the sensor in the same plane orientation.
  • Circuit can be powered with battery instead of power adaptor.
  • Parameters must be added for more practical measurements.
