Add a Go-Pro Mount to Just About Anything

by Zaphod Beetlebrox in Workshop > 3D Printing

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Add a Go-Pro Mount to Just About Anything

Shows how to 3D model a Go-Pro camera mount that can be added to anything that is digitally fabricated, which includes almost anything. Even if you don't have the means to print this off or have it CNC'd, it is still a good way to learn Inventor. This is my first time using Inventor so any tips regarding the workflow are appreciated. If you found this helpful please vote, if not please leave a comment to help me make these better.  

Things Needed

Inventor start up.jpg
You will need a 3D design program. I used Autodesk Inventor
You will also need something to add the mount to (another 3D design Like this)
Access to a 3D printer or CNC machine (learn to build your own on this site)

Other thing that you don't need but are handy:
Go-Pro Mount

Model First Prong

open new.jpg
new ipt file.jpg
tools documents.jpg
Change to mm.jpg
creat new 2D scetch.jpg
Select x axis.jpg
15mm circle.jpg
6mm circle.jpg
10mm line 90 degrees.jpg
Creat extrude.jpg
3mm extrude.jpg
I called each verticle segment of the go pro mount a prong.  
Start by creating a new .ipt (part) file
Next set the units to mm Tools --> Document Settings
Create New 2D sketch
Select "X" Axis
 Draw a 15mm circle
Draw a 6mm circle inside the 15mm circle
Draw a 10mm line 90 degrees to the edge of the circle
Draw a 15mm line horizontal to the 10mm line
Draw a line from the 15mm line up to the opposite side of the circle
Cut the section of circle that is inside the box you just created
Extrude the face (not the hole) 3mm
Save as "normal prong" or something

Add Nut Holder

draw first hexagon.jpg
12mm hexagon.jpg
extrude hexagon 3mm.jpg
In order for the go-pro mount to be adjusted by hand the nut has to be held in place to stop it from spinning. 

Create a Polygon with 6 sides (hexagon)  that is 9mm wide (from flat side to flat side. in order to do this I placed a point 9mm away along the X axis from the center of the circles. 

Draw a second polygon (hexagon) that is 12mm across
Extrude this 3mm
Save this part as something different from the first one "prong with nut holder" or something

Draw Base-plate Spacing "jig"

new part baseplate.jpg
In order to line up the different prongs correctly there needs to be something to make sure the spacing is correct. I drew a 2d template and saved it as a .ipt (part)

Draw a line 3mm across horizontally
draw a line 15mm down
repeat until there are 5 boxes
Save as .ipt "baseplate" or something

Create a New Assembly

new assembly.jpg
SElect baseplate.jpg
place prongs.jpg
place all prongs.jpg
Create a new .iam (assembly) file.
Place a base-plate component 
Place one bolt holder prong component
Place two normal prongs
Move and/or rotate all the prongs onto the base plate template so that there are two 3 mm gaps between the prongs

There is a go-pro mounting bracket. It can be added to any other component or assembly and a camera can be attached.