A Room Heater That Can Be Made at Your Home
by ROBO HUB in Circuits > Electronics
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A Room Heater That Can Be Made at Your Home

Hey guys in this instructables I'll show you how you can make a very simple room heater using materials that can be found in and around your home.
In some parts of the world winter has already started and we need heaters to keep ourselves warm, i looked upon various heaters to buy but they were out of my budget and mostly i thought why not i make a really cool heater for myself.
Why you should make this heater?
Did you know that the conventional room heaters available on the market is equipped with nichrome wires?
If you did not let me explain this to you, in a normal heater when electric current is passed through the nichrome wires the coils gets heated up and this is accompanied by a air blower, this air blower helps in circulating the hot air.
Major problem with conventional room heater is as the air is blown from nichrome coils some smell is infused to the air and upon long usage of this heaters some can expect odd smell while breathing.
This was the major issue and i thought of finding a easy fix for this and now I'm here with this heater.
Now you may think how my heater is different from the above ones, in my heater i will be using the incandescent buld that was mostly known for its bright light along with lots of heat generation.
We will use this to get the hot air, when the bulb is turned to on, the glass of the bulb gets heated up and there will be a very thin layer of heat dissipation.
To blow this air out i will be using dc motor equipped with a propeller that blows the air.
Hope now you now what we are building in this project, to make it easier for everyone to understand i will be leaving a video tutorial too in the end so that you can refer.

Incandescent bulb
Bulb holder
Empty spool from PLA filament
DC motor
AC plug female type
Male type AC power pin
Hot Glue
Screw driver
Wire stripper
Power bank and an USB cable
Preparing the Bulb Holder

I will be using an aluminum type bulb holder and it did not come with pre-assembled wires, Disassemble the holder and start by adding the piece of wire to the pins and secure them tightly with the screws.
After this is complete add the holder to the top of the spool, here you may have to make the desired changes to allow this to fit inside the spool.
Secure the sides of the holder with hot glue, make a note that if you are suing the hot glue it will also serve as the insulator and anyways we have multiple levels of insulators that ensure full safety, The choice of the spool was because since it is made of plastic you can expect a good level of insulation and its a nonconductor or electricity.
After the holder is dry we can add the other end of the holder that is the power input pin which later will be connected to the AC power pin.
Allow this to dry completely and now we are ready to move into further steps, you can refer to the images on the step if you feel you missed something.
Adding the Air Blower

In our project I will be using a DC-powered source to run this DC motor you may be wondering why.
The answer is simple, we might need a separate circuit to control the flow of electricity and be finally able to convert the ac power to suitable dc power.
I did not want to add complexity to the project so i will be using a power source from a power bank to power this, if you don't have a power bank you can also use a power source from a DC adapter that gives 4 to 5v dc power output to run the dc motor.
After you place the bulb into the holder, we need to elevate the DC motor to the same height as of the bulb.
To achieve this I will be using the body of the marker, pasting the marker to the spool base, add an extra layer of hot glue for strength.
Now to the top of this add the dc motor, if you don't have the wires pre-soldered to the board you can solder the wires.
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DC Power Source

Like i stated earlier i will power the dc motor by a USB power source and by this we can expect to save lots of energy which otherwise would have been wasted.
I took a piece of USB cable, here the other end does not matter since we only need USB pin here, Strip of the top layer and if you find the red and black wire connect them to the dc motor.
Here make a note of the direction of rotation, check first and later you can connect the wires.
Insulate the open end of wires using hot glue and repeat same step for the other end too, allow the glue to dry completely and now we have the project ready only thing pending now is testing our creation.
How to Use

Using this room heater reminds me of starting a very old car, where you had to turn the starting wheel first later you can have a seat and drive the car!
Here we have not automated the heater fully and if you are willing i can make the fully automatic version of this project that will have a temperature sensor and controller to control the speed of the motor and airflow.
Now to use this project all you have to do is connect the bulb to ac power source, Connect the plug to the power socket and the other end to this female pin and now you have your bulb to on.
The bulb will start to produce some heat and now you can simply connect the dc motor to power bank and now the propeller attached to the shaft of dc motor will blow away the hot air from the top layer of bulb towards the facing point.
It will take some time to heat up the room and when you want to turn off, first turn of the bulb and later allow the fan to run for a minute so the bulb will be cooled down completely.
You can watch the above written steps in the below working video too
Working Video

If you feel like you missed something on the above said steps you can watch this video tutorial that will cover up all your doubts.
You should not miss watching the working video and the proper way to set up this heater, If you still have additional questions let me know in the comments and i will address to those shortly.