5.7 Hemi Valve Covers

The things that you will need to do this project is the new gaskets along with the tools. The tools that are needed are a ratchet either a ¼ inch drive or 3/8 inch drive will do, but I prefer using a 3/8 drive the ¼ inch drive would probably be useful for the back cover bolts, the size sockets needed are is a 10mm, 8mm, and a 5/8 spark plug socket if you decide to take the spark plugs out, and a pair of needle nose plyers if your spark plug boots are stuck. Also a can of brake clean to clean off the cover when it's off.
Getting Started

The first step is to gather all the tools and supplies that are needed, make sure that the area around the cover is clean so no dirt can get into the engine. I will not need to take off my air filter intake because I have a cold air intake if there is one in place then that will have to be taken off. Then the electrical plugs on the coils clip off, these might be tough to get off because some of them get dirt stuck in the clip, but just take a small flat head screwdriver or a pair of needle nose plyers and pry them off if needed. Take the two bolts out on each coil pack these are 10mm, and the coils should just pull off after that, then the spark plugs can come out if you want to but that is not required to do.

Next you begin to take the valve cover bolts out, the bolts in the rear might be a little tricky so a swivel might be needed. There is 8 bolts on each cover. Then pull the cover straight off this might be a little hard to do on the driver’s side because the brake booster is right there just pull it off as straight as possible.
Installing the New Gasket

Then the old gasket can be taken off at this point of the project make sure that all the gasket is out and take the gaskets for the sparkplugs in the cover as well. A visual inspection of the valve train at this point can be done. Make sure that no rockers are loose or make sure that nothing is broken as well. After the visual inspection is done the new gasket can be put in, and the cover itself has a groove in it that you can place it in.
Putting It All Back Together

For the last step, it goes back together the same way they came off on the engine making sure that no dirt gets into the valve train. Put the covers on, put the bolts in and tighten them up to 105 inch-pounds install spark plugs if taken out, and coil packs can be bolted down as well, then if there was a intake assembly that can get installed then the project is done.