4 Ways to Lace Shoes

Here are four different ways to lace your shoes!

First, I'll explain how to do this one.

Put the laces through the bottom like this, evenly.

Tuck the middle behind the tongue.

Skip one of the holes, and pull the left lace through, as shown.

Pull it through, then under into the empty hole under it.

Do the same with the right side.

The repeat that same process above it.

Then pull the laces through the top, and tie them under the tongue. Or tie them as you normally would.

Thats it for this one. :)
Second One

I think this one looks the coolest.

Pull both laces through the left side, evenly.

then pull them over the top, and go through the right side, as shown.

Skipping a hole, pull one of the right strings through.

Do them both.

Then pull both strings through the empty holes.

And weave them one on top of the other like this. Its quite simple. Then shove the laces under the tongue, or tie them as you normally would.
Third One

This one was kinda hard for some reason, but hopefully I can explain it well enough!

Pull both laces through one side like this.

Take the bottom lace, and pull it through the top one on the opposite side.

Then take the other lace and go through the other side directly across .

Then go through the other side and come back.

Continue going up, as shown. then tie them off. Thats it!
Fourth One

This is actually the easiest one.

Pull the laces through evenly like this.

Then cross them, skip a hole, and go through. (just lookit the pictures.)

then go back through the oposite hole so that the laces overlap each other.
#3 Continued

Like this.

Then just repeat the same thing over and over. Its very simple. I'm sure you'll figure it out really quickly.
Thats All!

Thats all of them, I hope you can figure them out!! :)