3 Levels of Levitation
by MAGNET TRICKS in Living > Toys & Games
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3 Levels of Levitation

3 levels of levitation achieved by combination of an electromagnetic levitation, diamagnetic suspension and diamagnetic opposition levitation
What You Need

1. Diamagnetic suspension rig = height adjustable strong magnet leveled in horizontal plane. Neodymium magnets are brittle and break easily. That's why I added a plastic lid underneath the ferrite ring magnets - to soften the impact of magnets smashing together which is almost certain to happen when adjusting the right distance.
2. Electromagnetic levitation platform
3. Non magnetic spacer 5 cm - 7 cm, I used a 6 cm string roll. The levitating part of the electromagnetic levitator is a magnet so, in order for the diamagnetic suspension levitation to work there needs to be a space between the bottom, electromagnetic levitator's magnet and the middle, diamagnetic opposition magnet.
4. Pyrolytic graphite tile. I used two 25mm x 25mm x 5 mm tiles. (probably 2 mm thickness is enough but thicker tile helps)
5. Diamagnetic opposition levitator = a ring magnet with a cylinder magnet inside . The one I used was constructed out of ∅19mm x 12mm ring magnet with a ∅8mm x 12mm cylinder magnet inside. Both magnets are grade N52. Using the strongest commercially sold grade N52 really helps the diamagnetic levitations. As thick as 12 mm magnet makes the pyrolytic graphite piece levitate higher (diamagnetic oppostion levitation), but the bigger and heavier the magnet is, the harder the diamagnetic suspension levitation is to accomplish. I would recommend using grade N52, ∅15mm x 5mm ring magnet with a hole for the inner magnet. Inner magnet should be ∅4,5mm - ∅4,9mm x 5mm (both magnets have to be the same thickness and fitted one inside the other as tightly as possible, trying to fit a ∅5mm cylinder into a ∅5mm hole might break the magnets)
6. Pyrolytic graphite piece. the one I used was a 10mm x 10 mm x 1mm square. If you are using
∅15mm x 5mm ring magnet with a 5 mm inner cylinder magnet the graphite piece needs to be around
6mm x 6mm square or ∅6 mm disc or what ever shape in that size range. The thinner the piece is, the better it levitates.
How to Proceed

1. Place the diamagnetic suspension levitation rig on a surface that is leveled in horizontal plane. Use a builders level to be sure.
2. Put the electromagnetic levitator on the diamagnetic suspension rig and turn it on. Make the magnet levitate. This is the easy part.
3. Place the spacer on the bottom magnet. Still a walk in the park.
4. Place pyrolytic graphite tile on the spacer - piece of cake.
5. Place the middle magnet on the graphite tile and adjust the top magnet in the right distance - so that the middle magnet will diamagnetically levitate on the graphite tile.
6. Finally place the small piece of pyrolytic graphite on the middle magnet. if everything is leveled properly it should levitate easily. After adding the small graphite piece you need to adjust again the top magnet just a tiny bit lower to compensate for the weight of the levitating pyrolytic graphite piece.
The hardest level of levitation for me was the level between the pyrolytic graphite tile and the middle magnet (diamagnetic suspension levitation). If you use smaller magnet let's say that grade N52, ∅15mm x 5mm ring magnet with a ∅5 mm hole (Inner magnet size should be ∅4,5 -∅4,9mm x 5mm cylinder) Less weight should make the suspension levitation considerably easier.
Take in consideration that
All the magnets are the same polarity (except the small cylinder magnet inside the middle magnet)
the top magnet needs to be levelled in horizontal plane as well as the surface that all the components are placed.