10 Life-Changing Life Hacks - You Can Try Right Now!
by The King of Random in Living > Life Hacks
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10 Life-Changing Life Hacks - You Can Try Right Now!

Boost the chances of finding a lost phone, and sleep better starting tonight, with 10 life-changing lifehacks you can use right now.
Also, make sure to check out my other Life Hack videos:
Watch the Video! :)

NOTE: These projects and results are portrayals of my own personal experiences. Your results may vary depending on your location, experience, and modifications. Use of this video content is at your own risk.
Life Hacks in This Instructable

Life Hacks are tips and tricks to help make your life a bit easier. Sometimes common sense isn't so obvious until you've seen it.
So, in this video you'll see how to;
- Automatically block ads on smartphone apps and games
- Avoid the "walk of shame" at the gas pump
- Start your grill with potato chips
- Peel a Kiwi the fastest and easiest way
- Boost the chances of finding your phone if it ever gets lost
- Win the battle between hot and cold in the shower
- Effortlessly keep your tie straight and in place
- Keep kitchen rolls in place when wrapping up leftovers
- Get a better nights sleep without the cost of expensive pillows
- Turn your plastic bags into an instant bag dispenser
Watch the video HERE
Instant Ad Blocker

This little trick will make it so you can play games on your smart phone without having to deal with strategically placed ads.
Simply try switching your phone over to airplane mode.
This will turn off the phones radio function, and even make your battery last longer, so you get more playing time, without the incessant distractions.
Watch the video HERE
Fill Port Finder

If you've ever rented a car, you know the feeling of pulling in to the gas station, only to realize too late, that you forgot to check which side the fill port was on.
Rather than being caught doing the walk of shame, you can avoid the embarrassment altogether, by glancing at the pump icon on your gas gauge.
There's a little arrow pointing to the side you need to fill up on. So remember this little trick the next time you borrow a car, and you'll be a gas pump hero on the very first try.
Watch the video HERE
Tinder Chips

It's the season for grilling, and if you want to switch things up at your next party, why not skip the lighter fluid, and try starting your charcoal with a handful of potato chips?
They make a surprisingly flammable tinder, and will easily burn long enough to light up a stack of coals.
...And this way, you won't get that lighter fluid taste in your meat.
Watch the video HERE
Easy Kiwi

The kiwi fruit. It's so exotic and so delicious, but how do you peel it without hacking it up and leaving so much fruit on the skins?
The solution is so simple you won't believe it. Try using a spoon.
Just cut the ends of the kiwi, then push your spoon inside, making sure the back slides in along the peel.
Now carefully work the spoon around the inside edge, until the entire fruit pops right out.
It really is that quick and easy, and hardly anything gets left behind.
Watch the video HERE
Phone Finder

Before your phone gets misplaced, take a picture of your email address, or some other contact information written in big letters.
Go ahead and save it as your lock screen photo, and now if your phone ever does get lost, the first thing anyone will see, is exactly how to get it back to you.
Watch the video HERE
Shower Setter

Every day we face a torturous moment of truth, when we turn on the shower, and get blasted with icy cold water.
If it's not cold, then it's unbearably hot.
But you can easily fix this daily challenge with a bottle of nail polish or white-out.
The next time you find the sweet spot, mark the trim plate and the handle with a couple of dabs that line up with each other.
Now you've got the power to win this epic battle, by hitting the perfect temperature on the very first try.
Watch the video HERE
Tie Saver

If your tie keeps getting twisted out of place, it's so frustrating to have to keep checking and straightening it all the time, isn't it?
Try rigging up a permanent fix with an old dress shirt, and a pair of scissors.
Carefully cut the front strip so you end up with a piece just a bit longer than two of the button holes.
Now then next time you dress up, simply slip one of these "tie savers" through the keeper loop on your tie.
Fasten it to the buttons on your shirt, and now your tie will always be straight, look great, and fall back into place even when it gets knocked around in the wind.
Watch the video HERE
Roller Holder

Arg, the frustration that comes when wrapping up leftovers, because the rolls keep pulling up out of the boxes.
Sometimes they seem more trouble than they're worth, but luckily, there's a quick and easy fix.
Just get a knife and cut a downward facing arrow on the ends of the boxes, directly in the center.
Now simply push these tabs inward to secure the roll in place, and keep it conveniently in the box, every time you pull.
By the way, some boxes already have little push tabs built right in. So start using them, and make make your life that much easier.
Watch the video HERE
Sleep Support

Do you wake up in the morning with a stiff neck and a headache?
It might be because your pillow is cranking on your spine all night long.
But before you spend loads of money on specialty pillows, try lifting your head a bit and tucking the edge of your pillow, under your neck.
Lay back down, with the corners over top of your shoulders, and you've just made an ergonomic support for your neck and head.
This will help straighten out your spine, and instantly make any pillow you're using, feel like it should have cost a lot more.
Watch the video HERE
Instant Bag Dispenser

Plastic grocery bags. They're worth hanging on to, but they can quickly take over your drawer space.
To eliminate the clutter simply flatten them out, and fold the bags in half lengthwise.
Now lay them in a straight line, with the handles overlapping the bottoms of the previous bags, then roll the whole thing up.
You can add as many bags as you want, and in a couple of minutes, you'll have an instant bag dispenser that will take up very little space.
Now if you put this in some kind of container, it will dispense one bag at a time, whenever you need it.
Watch the video HERE
More Videos

Well there are 10 life changing life-hacks that you can try right now.
These are all Life Hacks that I personally use all the time, and I recommend you to try them as well.
If you liked these projects, perhaps you'll like some of my others. Check them out at www.thekingofrandom.com